
Tiesse Robot Renews Alliance with Rugby Calvisano

Main Sponsor for the 2023-2024 Season
Tiesse Robot Renews Alliance with Rugby Calvisano

It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the renewal of our partnership with Rugby Calvisano: our robotic systems will take the field alongside the yellow-and-black team for the entire 2023-2024 season. For over twenty years, Tiesse Robot has proudly sponsored Rugby Calvisano, and today we are thrilled to further strengthen this connection by taking on the role of main sponsor for the current season.

This announcement is a reaffirmation of our ongoing commitment to support local excellence and contribute to community development. In the 2018-2020 biennium, we had the honor of taking the field as Kawasaki Robot, and now with even greater determination, we choose to assume the role of main sponsor.

Undoubtedly following in the footsteps of our unforgettable Alfredo Gavazzi, we keep alive the flame of passion for rugby and the support for the growth of young talents. Rugby Calvisano represents more than just a team for us: it is a cornerstone for the local community, a vehicle for youth development, and a milestone in the Italian rugby landscape.

Rugby Calvisano President, Mariano Bandera, shares his excitement about this collaboration:
"Tiesse Robot's entry as the main sponsor is an honor for us. This partnership is a tangible testimony to the trust and bond that has united us for over twenty years. A touching way to honor our dear Alfredo Gavazzi."

Davide Daprà of Tiesse Robot adds:
"After two decades of collaboration, we have decided to further solidify our relationship, especially in this significant period for both entities. Rugby Calvisano is a passion cultivated over time, and our story together is destined to grow."

Daprà concludes with a positive outlook:
"Our commitment is to continue supporting Rugby Calvisano in this phase of rebirth. In this 'year zero' for the team, we want to be an active part of the path of growth and success. The decision not to interrupt this partnership reflects our respect for Rugby Calvisano and its importance in the local context."

Rugby Calvisano Sports Director, Gabriele Morelli, emphasizes the importance of the agreement:
"Tiesse Robot is automatically associated with Rugby Calvisano. The decision of a leading company like Tiesse Robot to invest again in us is a sign of trust in the solidity and promising direction of our team. Wearing the Tiesse Robot name is an honor and a responsibility."

At Tiesse Robot, we look to the future with certainty that this partnership will bring shared successes and continue to inspire future generations in the world of sports and beyond.

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