ASTORINO: 3D printed robots for educational robotics

A whole new approach to learning, and teaching, industrial robotics
ASTORINO educational robotics Kawasaki

The world of work and the way we work is changing rapidly, and educational institutions - technical colleges and universities - need to be ready, and prepared, to train future robotics engineers. This is why ASTORINO, the 3D-printed robot dedicated to the field of educational robotics, was born.

ASTORINO revolutionises industrial robotics education 

Can industrial robotics be taught in a laboratory without a physical robot? How can high schools and universities with a limited budget afford to purchase an industrial robot? Assuming that learning is based on experimentation and the mistakes one makes along the way, should they be able to afford and manage the valuable purchase of an industrial robot, can they afford and manage the damage - and related repairs - to it?
Today's educational robotics market offers two different types of product: the first is the educational robot, which has the advantage of being cheap and safe but lacks the features to teach the solutions used in industry and, consequently, does not properly prepare students for work. The second, the industrial robot, properly teaches the solutions used in industry and thus prepares students for work in the company but has a very high purchase cost and requires additional safety.

Marek Niewiadomski - inventor and builder of the Kawasaki Robotics ASTORINO robot: "Kawasaki Robotics ASTORINO makes it possible to teach robotics in high schools and universities at a level that is currently unattainable. We have changed the availability ratio from 15 students per 1 robot to 2-3 students per 1 robot".

Why choose the Kawasaki ASTORINO robot

ASTORINO is designed on the basis of carbon fibre filament 3D printing (with the exception of the mechanical part), has low purchase costs, is safe, teaches solutions used in industry and uses the same programming language as an industrial Kawasaki robot; it can also be equipped with a gripper, I/O module and vision system. 

Maurizio Ravelli - President and Commercial Director of TIESSE ROBOT: "Thanks to the ASTORINO educational robot, students have the opportunity to learn robotics in a practical and safe way, preparing them for real applications in industry. By investing in this solution, higher education facilities and universities increase the quality of teaching in industrial robotics and thus their prestige."

We will present ASTORINO at #RobotHeart at 33.BIMU from 12 to 15 October at fieramilano Rho, Pad 13 - Stand D11.


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